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Adult Fitness

We work with many post-college individuals looking to achieve performance, health, and wellness goals. The process for getting there is simple, and it comes in three steps.



Everyone begins by meeting with one of our performance coaches to discuss goals and perform a screening that will set baselines for flexibility, mobility, strength, and movement quality.



BSP staff will then direct you to your most effective training option (small group, personal training, etc.). We’ll design a program tailored specifically to help you reach your goals and beyond.



Step three is on you—it’s where you put the work in. Our performance coaches will be with you every step of the way. Are you ready to get started?




I am 68 years old. I wanted to get healthier, but not in a way that would risk injury and suffer a setback given my age and medical history. I’ve been going to Brattain Sports Performance for over 18 months now and the results have been exceptional. I’ve lost nearly 15 pounds from my peak weight, my legs and arms are much stronger and I have increased cardio capacity. With each visit the trainers will have an individualized program designed specifically for you, and it is different, purposeful and challenging each day. This place is run by true exercise science professionals.
— Kirk Menard
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